It hasn't been long since I started seriously writing picture books. I have studied the market, devoured books, taken classes, participated in contests, joined critique groups, researched agents and authors, opened a Twitter account, and created a website. And, of course, I have written, written, and revised.
Here are the things that I have loved:
The writing community is diverse, fundamentally kind and supportive
New friendships/new connections/new understandings
Getting outside of my comfort zone/embracing change
Immersing myself in something new/engaging/challenging
Here are the life lessons learned from writing:
Life is hard. Engage hard.
Reflection is healthy. Ruminate.
Failure is a first attempt in learning. Celebrate failures.
We choose how we respond to challenges. Seize control. Choose strong.
Life has layers. Unfurl the layers.
Be kind to yourself. Find balance.
Release expectations of perfection. Expect imperfection.
Nature is peace. Be inspired.
Time is not of the essence. Be patient.
We are what we repeatedly do. Write and repeat.
Voices are powerful. Use your voice.
Change is certain. Allow change.
Writing is not simple. There are other places for simple.
Hard is good. Persevere.