A few weeks back, I started participating in #HaikuSaturday on Twitter. Haven't written Haiku at all really before that.
Here are my pieces so far:
Summer's Eve (POSTED ON July 23)
gentle fan whirring
eyelids close muscles relax
no longer stirring
Bubbles (POSTED ON July 16)
humming gentle tunes
nose bubbles rise and surface
swimming skill obtained
Storms (POSTED ON July 9)
summer vacation
hot sun sudden storms dark skies
book and puzzle time
Smoky Mountains (POSTED ON July 2)
rippling streams singing
rhododendrons blooming bright
bears meandering
Hope (POSTED ON June 19)
Hope suppresses fear
Joy extinguishes sadness
Success enlightens
congestion aches pains
incomprehensible drain
wishing for normal
The Lake (POSTED ON June 7)
red kayak drifting
water rippling wind bristling
the search continues
